Our daily walk, with the Daily Bread. Let's talk about it...

Friday, October 23, 2009

What Does Salad Have to Do With Relationships?

What's on your mind...

I am the author of a book entitled, A Christian Woman's Journal to Weight Loss, so why am I writing an article on relationships? Well, during my weight loss journey
I realized that loosing weight is about so much more than food. It's about how we live our lives. Weight issues affect every aspect of our life; relationships,
careers, physical and mental health, just to name a few. Today, we are looking at how it can have an adverse affect on our relationships.

Did you know, how comfortable we are in our own skin, can determine how comfortable we are touching someone else's. Excess weight can become a barrier that causes us to shut others out and lock ourselves in. Yes, we are mingling, dating, or even married, but we are prepared with roadblock, yield or stop signs for anyone who might dare get too close.

These signs can appear in the form of, an abrasive attitude, preoccupied persona or overly shy disposition. Without others or we ourselves realizing that the added weight we're carrying is the culprit of our prickly personality. The insecurities
that come with being overweight not only hold us back, but they could very well be holding back the one person who is trying to get in.

We owe it to not only ourselves, but those around us to choose a healthier lifestyle. As the weight loss begins the barrier wall gets thinner and thinner, allowing our true self to shine for all to see and be drawn to. Feeling good and looking good is very appealing. Improving our relationships could certainly
be tied to the commitment to improving our body image.

I know this is easier said then done, but think about it, you deserve it and what do you have to loose but a little bit or a lot of weight. Make yourself a priority everyday, do something to improve your overall health. It doesn't have to be an overwhelming concept, even small steps over time can have a sizable impact. Walk once a day, drink eight glasses of water a day, eat more vegetables and less fatty foods each day, then... put up the welcome sign.

1 comment:

  1. Good morning Pat,
    I read your post, and what you said couldn't be truer. Since writing my cookbook, I've put on about a good 25-30 pounds. It has taken such a toll on my mental and physical health. I know that it may not sound like a big deal to some, but to have a closet full of clothes and not be able to fit in them at all is awful. I try to keep telling myself that I'm still a size 6, but I'm a tight 12, comfortable 14. I will definitely take time out for me to enjoy life and work out more often. God bless and congrats on your achievements with A Christian Woman's Journey to Weight Loss.
